Page name: ET Photograph Competition [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-11-02 18:28:30
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Elftown Photography Competition



This contest is CLOSED!

Moderators: [Cillamoon] & [Akayume]


- Latest Photo Contest -

Theme: Colour


Dying Banana Leaf by [hannes]



Photographs must be taken by Elftowners and posted here by the original photographer. Which means, no matter how much you might like a particular image on somebody's house, you are not allowed to add it here. This includes random images from the net too. TAKE YOUR OWN PHOTOS AND DO NOT STEAL THEM FROM OTHERS. THAT'S JUST RUDE.


No manipulations will be allowed for this contest! Please, photography only!

If you stick up a photo just because this is a photo competition, your entry will be removed without warning. ANYTHING THAT DOES NOT MEET THE THEME WILL BE REMOVED.

To upload your image full-size you can use the feature 'Upload a folder of images' that is shown on your house.
This feature allows you to upload one, multiple images or zip-files in their original size to a wiki-page.
Once you click this link you can follow the instructions. See also uploading images.

Since the winners will be featured on Main Street, images that depict graphic violence, pornography or other disturbing actions will not be accepted. Only photographs that fit the current theme will be allowed.



Up to 2 Winners will be chosen by public poll. The winners will receive the colored badge and the participants will receive the green version of it:

<img:img/new/shutterbug1.gif> <img:img/new/shutterbug2.gif>

This contest is CLOSED!

Thanks to all for entering!

'Colour' Photos, Page 1


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- Photographers
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2005-04-16 [Apus]: Main Street

2005-04-16 [Sekosen]: Wow! Great photos everyone! And congratulations to the winner, runner up and everyone that participated!!! =)

2005-04-16 [Minotaur Queen]: Congrats all.

2005-04-17 [Misty Air]: oh, lol, well the're cool pictures!

2005-04-17 [Neko the Kitty]: can i see how many votes my pic got?

2005-04-17 [IzzyKSK]: Congratulations to the winners, they we're clearley honest winners :D

2005-04-18 [alatar45]: when is the next competition i would like to enter

2005-04-18 [Ramirez]: Congratulations to the winners. Beautiful entries, everyone. (sounds all sappy c.c)

2005-04-20 [Yumi Hikari]: where do we see who won?

2005-04-20 [irulan]: Mainstreet!

2005-04-20 [Elmiira]: well, maybe they were season changing photos. but honestly I didn't find this idea very fair or good. because people are living around the world and not everywhere is the seaswon changing the same time. like here in finland it didn't even give any signs of spring before the contest was already closed. I got some wonderful spring pics when the snow started to melt and so, but it was something two weeks after this contest was closed. I don't want to complain. It's only my opinion that this wasn't too good theme. But I hope it will come a new contest with a new theme, maybe better next time! :)

2005-04-30 [HowseR]: when is the next elftown photograph competition

2005-05-01 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: hmm i dont think anyone is sure yet .

2005-06-02 [black dragon19]: hey ladies

2005-06-05 [*moth*]: i hope it's soon!

2005-06-05 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: i know . i hope its like sunsets or something

2005-06-07 [*moth*]: sunsets are t3h shex

2005-06-09 [Tyrana]: They pwnxor... if you will.

2005-06-09 [Tyrana]: To the max.

2005-06-09 [Tyrana]: I'm so... hip.

2005-06-10 [Teir'Dal]: could someone tell me who the winner was?

2005-06-17 [Truth . Beauty . Love]: I hope it's not sunsets! I live on the East coast!

2005-06-17 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: aww

2005-07-05 [Hobbit teen]: awww i was hoping that i was going to participate in the wiki competition

2005-07-06 [Tyrana]: Me too! Maybe... sunsets and sunrises. ^_^

2005-07-07 [*moth*]: teh sun in general...?

2005-07-07 [Yuriona]: Actually the opening of another photograph competition is being discussed. I need suggestions for a theme for the new one then we'll have a Mainstreet poll to choose. Please feel free to message me with suggestions or just leave them in here. I still watch the page. :D

2005-07-07 [Keii]: Industrial? Since the majority of pictures from the last contest were largely based on natural images...

2005-07-07 [Yuriona]: Ooo... that's a good one! :)

2005-07-07 [Keii]: Thank you ^-^

2005-07-08 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: i still say sunsuts . lol

2005-07-20 [Yuriona]:



2005-07-20 [Keii]: How can you photograph fantasy creatures? I mean, surely that would involve manipulation, and kind of defeat the purpose of a photography competition?

2005-07-20 [Yuriona]: LOL! Use your imagination: A cloud can look like a dragon, a tree can look like a unicorn, etc., The next contest is going to be about creativity not just pretty pictures.

2005-07-20 [Keii]: Hehe... I'm tired, my imagination isn't there at the moment. XD

2005-07-20 [Yuriona]: *pats head* That's ok. I understand. ^_^

2005-07-20 [Keii]: Ooohh, I have the perfect subject... if that one is chosen next I mean... ^^

2005-07-20 [Yuriona]: LOL! We'll see... so far water and fantasy are pretty close.

2005-07-20 [Keii]: Haha, and it seems my idea is coming last. Lol, nevermind. ^^

2005-07-20 [Yuriona]: Don't despair. We may use it for a future contest. :D

2005-07-20 [Keii]: Yay! XD

2005-07-22 [Blasphemous Rumours]: Ooh ooh, my idea is winning!! *does a manic happy dance*

2005-07-23 [Keii]: Grr.... lol

2005-07-23 [Blasphemous Rumours]:'s drawing now. Vote, my pretties, vote for mine...

2005-07-27 [I LoVe CoUnTrY BoYz]: =>hey talk to me<=

2005-07-27 [I LoVe CoUnTrY BoYz]: ET me plz

2005-07-31 [Serenity's MoonLight]: ooooooh, i hope the water will be the theme!!! i have pretty photos i took of the Iguazu Falls in argentina!!! they are more beautiful that the Niagra Falls!!

2005-07-31 [~Lady Morgana~]: Yes it seems to win. ^^

2005-08-05 [tehUzume]: yeah to bad that the clouds and sky won't win, It's always fantasy that seems to win. Well...I can't wait to see what ppl come up with besides a mold of clay...I wonder if u could take a picture of something made out of clay...would that work?

2005-08-07 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: on the poll it says this is a photography competition... right.... so why is one of the options fantasty creatures? you'd have a hard time trying to phograph one of them, they dont exist! ^_^

2005-08-07 [Yuriona]: As I explained earlier...Use your imagination: A cloud can look like a dragon, a tree can look like a unicorn, etc., The next contest is going to be about creativity not just pretty pictures.

2005-08-07 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: ooooooooooooh god that would be well hard... but i like the idea

2005-08-08 [tehUzume]: yeah I like the Idea's too, but I would still say useing a awesome background and putting action figures there would be cool

2005-08-10 [Sytske]: when is the next compition coming?=P lol

2005-08-10 [lady nytmare]: Yeah! Need new competition! :p

2005-08-10 [Keii]: Patience children... you can't rush good photography

2005-08-11 [lady nytmare]: We know! That's why the sooner we start, the better ;)

2005-08-11 [Keii]: Ah, but it gives you the oppertunity to practise and dabble in each of the themes. It's like a being in a candy-store. ^^

2005-08-11 [tehUzume]: yes, except in the end you don't get what you really wanted in the first place/

2005-08-12 [Bobolama]: When is the next competition ?

2005-08-12 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: i dunno .

2005-08-12 [tehUzume]: probably when the votes get to like 4000 or something

2005-08-12 [Yuriona]: -_-' The next contest will open when I get the time and opportunity to set it up.

2005-08-12 [tehUzume]: Well I guess that would really make sence.

2005-08-14 [lady nytmare]: Lemme know if you need help with anything :)

2005-08-14 [lady nytmare]: ummm... has anyone noticed that the banner has photography spelled wrong?

2005-08-14 [Yuriona]: Yeah, days after it was made but thank you anyways. ^_^

2005-08-14 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: omg i never noticed that

2005-08-14 [tehUzume]: I can't spell...and I didn't know was wrong, boy do I feel stupid

2005-08-14 [Keii]: You're not stupid... I never noticed until [lady nytmare] pointed it out O.O

2005-08-14 [True, plain and simple]: Spelling mistakes? I never make those! It must have been a trick of your imaginations. ;)

2005-08-14 [Yuriona]: LMAO! I was wondering when you were going to correct that oversight on our parts. ;)

2005-08-14 [True, plain and simple]: There was no oversight! ;) Well, someone should tell me next time! The file name is spelled correctly, so I thought nothing of looking at it. :P

2005-08-14 [tehUzume]: Well we just figured it out

2005-08-14 [Yuriona]: I thought I did tell you. O_o I remember it being mentioned in the forums at some point.

2005-08-14 [tehUzume]: I don't remember reading that...oh well Yuriona u were right and I was wrong.

2005-08-15 [tehUzume]: When they feel like makeing it! can people read?!?!

2005-08-15 [Yuriona]: One word: lazy. As in too lazy to read earlier comments about a question that's been asked at least a dozen times now. ARGH!!

2005-08-15 [tehUzume]: god I know it's so anoying

2005-08-21 [*moth*]: huh? confused. how is it spelt wrong?

2005-08-21 [tehUzume]: noooooooo if was messed up before True, plain, and simple changed it >.< keep up

2005-08-23 [*moth*]: oooohhhh.... *stupidness* unwanted absences...i cant help it

2005-08-23 [tehUzume]: yes u can, get on the net more and check ur ET duh

2005-08-24 [*moth*]: yes but i cant get on the net anymore then i do XP

2005-08-24 [lady nytmare]: where is new topic? "grrrr"

2005-08-24 [Keii]: You'll find out the new topic in due course, like the rest of us. ^^

2005-08-24 [Yuriona]: No theme. We decided to call off the contest because too many people were whining about when it was going to open. :P

2005-08-24 [Keii]: *chuckles*

2005-08-24 [Bobolama]: :(

2005-08-25 [lady nytmare]: *gasps and topples over* ^^ fine, I'll stop :p

2005-08-25 [tehUzume]: No, she will just keep it that way, it's easyer for her anyway, huh Yuriona

2005-08-25 [Yuriona]: *raises eyebrow at blot* And you've been any better??

2005-08-25 [tehUzume]: maybe, I'm just trying to tell the people that their idiots, I asked 2 things that were never answerd...

2005-08-25 [Yuriona]: ANd you think that's any less annoying?

2005-08-25 [Yuriona]: Don't kiss up to me and don't try and play with me. I appreciate that even less than repetitive, assinine questions.

2005-08-26 [lady nytmare]: Amen :p

2005-08-26 [tehUzume]: *looks around* u take out my nice comment and replace it with a mean one. Harsh. I was just trying to imput...

2005-08-26 [Yuriona]: You? Input? I've yet to see that.

2005-08-26 [tehUzume]: Well I would have said something to an extent of how you should express on the Fantasy Chracters with the Film but yet that was already out of the ET poll race, so I didn't bother with it. I'm sorry *looks down* if you want I will stop.

2005-09-03 [Fizban]: there ever going to be another contest??:(

2005-09-03 [Keii]: Read the comments over the last few pages

2005-09-09 [Yuriona]: There ya go ya crybabies! :D GET GOING ALREADY!!!

2005-09-09 [Keii]: Hmm, something to get my mind working again... thanks [Yuriona]! *goes to to plot*

2005-09-09 [Yuriona]: *grins* Yer welcome. Don't forget you offered to help. *poke, poke* LOL!

2005-09-09 [Keii]: Yep, and I still stand by that offer. ^^

2005-09-09 [Yuriona]: Don't worry... we'll talk soon. }:)

2005-09-09 [Keii]: I look forward to it ^^

2005-09-09 [Vesthrix]: I was wondering about what counts as a photo-manipulation. I understand that large scale stuff is out but what about more subtle things, like cropping or improving the lighting in a photo-editor. While these technically are forms of photo-manipulation, they're just ways of improving pictures, not creating works of art. They could give an advantage for some participant, over some one with out a good photo-editor but no more then having a better camera would. Also my understanding is that some photo-shops do that as a service, so some people might not even realize they're photos have been improved digitally.

2005-09-10 [Yuriona]: Cropping, removing moire pattern, jpeg artifacts, smoothing, contrast and brightness correction are all acceptable forms of editing. I myself have used Paint Shop Pro to clean up and correct my own digital images. Adding sunbursts or effects is not permitted however minor they may appear to be.

2005-09-10 [Vesthrix]: Thanks.

2005-09-11 [Yuriona]:


Everyone please read the updated rules. Thanks. :)

2005-09-11 [barutha]: come off it kids. photo forum. although that now has been tainted somewhat. is nothing sacred? anyway. have a nice day.

2005-09-12 [iippo]: PF is tainted?

2005-09-12 [Ashley69]: how do you enter?

2005-09-12 [Keii]: Go to Water Photos, page 1, and press the 'edit this page' button. Then add your image and explination, following the guildlines at the top of the page. ^^

2005-09-15 [Ace118]: I have entered

2005-09-15 [Yuriona]: Certainly. What do you need to know?

2005-09-15 [Ace118]: well I read the rule I am semi dsylectic wich means I somtime cant read so I put my glasses on and sorted it out but thank you verry much for your help

2005-09-15 [Yuriona]: You're welcome anyways. :) I like your photo. Very unique entry.

2005-09-15 [Ace118]: thaks it was really weid when the dophin did that with no instruction

2005-09-15 [Yuriona]: Dolphins are intellegent creatures, possibly as intelligent as humans. It may have done that just because it was fun or because of exactly what you have written there.

2005-09-16 [IzzyKSK]: Dolphins are somewhat intelligent.. They do things humans do to, like raping other dolphins in groups and stuff. And I bet alot of you just thought they were only cute and nice, when in fact they do nasty stuff to =)

2005-09-16 [Yuriona]: Have you taken a look at the human race lately?? I don't think we're in any position to judge the actions of other species now are we??

2005-09-16 [IzzyKSK]: Well, I'm not saying we are, I'm just saying dolphins aren't as cute as most people think they are.

2005-09-16 [Yuriona]: I'm not most people but thank you for sharing your opinion.

2005-09-17 [Ace118]: :(

2005-09-20 [live=evil]: definatly:D

2005-09-20 [Ace118]: :D

2005-10-24 [thoughtfox]: Hmm... Douglas Adams calls them the second most intelligent beings on earth.

2005-10-24 [IzzyKSK]: What does he think are the most intelligent then?

2005-10-24 [thoughtfox]: mice.

2005-10-25 [IzzyKSK]: hahaha XD

2005-10-31 [Ace118]: Lol

2005-11-02 [thoughtfox]: so, do the judges know when they will be able to tell us who the winner is?

2005-11-02 [Yuriona]: No. You have to wait.

2005-11-02 [Keii]: Theres some great images - heh, the judges will have a hard job picking...

2005-11-10 [Bobolama]: Yeah , but when do we know the winners ?

2005-11-10 [Yuriona]: When I tell you. XP

2005-11-11 [iippo]: ...did I hear a whip crack in here..? Oh, I see, it's only Yuriona. :P

2005-11-11 [Yuriona]: *grins* You know it! :D

2005-11-12 [Ace118]: tap

2005-11-21 [BinaryPhoenix]: Cool, I lovvvee taking photographs!!!

2005-11-21 [BinaryPhoenix]: Damn, its closed.  *cries*

2005-11-21 [Yuriona]: Don't worry [BinaryPhoenix], just keep on watching this page. I'm sure we'll have a new photo competition up and running too - it is getting close to Christmas after all. ;)

2005-11-22 [BinaryPhoenix]: woohoo!

2005-11-22 [Fizban]: sounds should be fun,....but any idea when the results for this one will be out??:) or if they are, point me in my ignorance to where the winners where announced and such...

2005-11-22 [Yuriona]: Working on it though I'm not sure when I'll have results posted... real life has been keeping me busy of late. @_@

2005-11-22 [Fizban]: oh...well dont let life getcha down and thank you^_^

2005-11-23 [Ace118]: bye

2005-11-28 [Bobolama]: At what date do we know the winners ? , it is almost 24 days later , *happy*

2005-11-28 [Yuriona]: Only a moth later huh??

2005-11-29 [iippo]: Impatience, people, have some impatience! :P :P

2005-11-29 [Yuriona]: You'll find out when I tell you. :P

2005-11-29 [Ishje]: wow :| [Yuriona], how did you know that i know when you tell me/us? *ackts like she is really surprised* :P ;)

2005-11-29 [Yuriona]: O_o Don't make me smack you... or worse, moon you! :P

2005-11-29 [Ishje]: oooohhhhhh noooooo *runs while shouting:* sorry sorry sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyy *voice gets silence into the deep dark night*

2005-11-29 [Yuriona]: 'If I seem to be getting smaller, its because I'm leaving!!' ROFL!

2005-11-29 [Ishje]: maby becouse whe both walk in an opposite direction...but however..dont pay attention to me :p i am in an very annoying mood right now

2005-11-29 [Yuriona]: All right then. *turns back, plugs ears and starts singing* I'm Henry the 8th I am. Henry the 8th I am, I am. I got married to the widow next door. She's been married 7 times before and all of them were a Henry. None of them a Willy or a Sam. I'm her 8th old man, I'm Henry. Henry the 8th I am, I am. Henry the 8th I am. Second verse: same as the first!!

2005-11-29 [Ishje]: *applause* :D

2005-11-29 [Yuriona]: I've actually heard them play that song on a radio station up here. @_@

2005-11-29 [Ishje]: i have never heard of that song, it sounds weird....even more weird as i am..

2005-11-29 [Yuriona]: It's the song Patrick Swayze sings in the movie 'Ghost'. Gah...

2005-11-29 [Ishje]: patrick swayze? aaahhhww  damn....isnt that some dark haired strong man?

2005-11-29 [iippo]: I knew where that song came from ^_^ Well that just makes me that sad that I've seen 'Ghost' two million times already ("and it keeps getting funnier every time!" - spot that quote :P)

2005-11-29 [Yuriona]: I've seen the Exorcist about a hundred million times and it keeps getting funnier, every time I see it!! Not to mention that you're talking to a dead guy.

2005-11-29 [iippo]: Whee! Knew you'd know it. :3

2005-11-29 [Yuriona]: LOL! Sorry... I love Beetlejuice! :D

2005-11-29 [Ishje]: well i am to scary to wach exorcist-like movies... :p

2005-11-29 [Lothuriel]: Pea soup anyone?

2005-11-30 [Yuriona]: I watched the Exorcist once when I was a teenager. *shudders* Never again...

2005-11-30 [Ishje]: i have seen the end of it a few weeks ago...with a really scary woman... :|

2005-11-30 [iippo]: I too saw the Excorsist when I was far too young (less than 13). That goes for most of the horror movies, actually (it was a trend in the girls in my class - we loved them).

2005-11-30 [Yuriona]: I think one of the scariest movies I've ever seen was Cujo. I think I was 14 or 15 when I saw that.I don't remember if the Exorcist scared me or not... I guess that means it didn't. LOL! I'm definitely not a horror fan though. Hell, I couldn't even watch the X-files by myself at times. *giggles*

2005-12-01 [iippo]: X-files does tend to get incredibly scary. Especially if you are watching alone with your dog and then you both hear a strange sound from the back room and when you go to see the dog goes first and then runs right back as if it didn't like what it saw there... Meh, I steered clear of Cujo after my brother watched and read it and was telling me about it.. But I wasn't that smart about Pet Cemetery... >.O I think the scariest thing I saw was this horror short movie collection that had this floating oily slime thing that ate these swimmers that were on a wooden raft in a lake. Those sort of rafts are very usual here in Finland so it was too familiar so it scared me. Didn't swim much that summer

2005-12-01 [Ishje]: cujo...that is that dog isnt it? by stephen king? i had read the first charpenters of the book...but i was 14 at that time and i could not follow the story :p

2005-12-01 [Yuriona]: Oooohhh... Tales from The Cryptkeeper. ^^ That's a classic but I didn't mind watching those. They're not nearly as scary as Stephen King's stuff. O_o I read the Running Man, the Long Walk, Langoliers, Apt Pupil and a couple of his other short stories and are they ever fucked up. Much scarier than the movies... 8S

2005-12-01 [Ishje]: i can see my eyes wont work as good as i want to :p missed a whole piece of what[iippo] you know rose red? it is a movie by stepen king...i did only see half of it

2005-12-02 [iippo]: Usually the movies based on King books just fail to get the scariness of the book - that could depend on the imagination of the reader though. But I've heard of a play they've done based on Misery that is just perfect adaptation: it's in this really tiny theatre, so even the people in the back row are closer to the actors than they'd want to be (Annie and her blowtorch - sheesh). But I must admit, when King isn't going for scaring but creeping out, that's when he's at his best. Misery is a good example, as well as (don't know the English title here:) "City of Despair(??)" This man comes in and just makes everybody hate each other and then starts selling them guns... O_o

2005-12-02 [iippo]: Kubrick's Shining works as a scary movie, but not as an adaptation. I try to avoid watching films based on books I've read - they never make it. I prefer to find a great book after watching the movie based on it - like Big Fish. And I still have to read Charlie And The Chocolate Factory...

2005-12-02 [Jacco]: Hmmh.. did you forgot about The Shawshank Redemption [iippo]? Also based on King's novel. But this time the film was better in my opinion. But most of the time I also prefer the book. Oh and Big Fish is a great film indeed :)

2005-12-02 [Yuriona]: I was torn over Shawshank. I really liked the book but the movie was really well done too. Don't get me wrong, I loved Arney in the Running Man but the short story was soo twisted and nasty. Awesome... I've even read King's "Eye of the Dragon" that he wrote for his daughter. Its a fantasy genre book that still has King's flair for the morbid and creepy.

2005-12-02 [iippo]: Ah, Shawshank Redemption - I did indeed forget it, but for a reason: I've seen it only halfway, because my computer crashed while I was watching it. But the Green Mile! Now that book i loved, but maybe because of the format - the way it was first published in short bits... And the fact that it had a kind of religious over/under tone also appealed to me.

2005-12-02 [Yuriona]: I've yet to see the Green Mile but I want to. I've heard that its rather good.

2005-12-02 [iippo]: Yes. That guy who was 'Bear' in Armageddon is in it - he's ace.

2005-12-02 [Yuriona]: I've never seen Armageddon. XP

2005-12-02 [iippo]: Didn't miss much. :P

2005-12-02 [Li-Ga]: Oh, I see it was a discussion about Stephen King's books, well everyone who likes his works, please go to Stephen_King_Fans_Unite ! New members are welcome! :)

2005-12-02 [Charybdis]: It's Kwanzaa, Yuriona :)

2005-12-02 [Yuriona]: Is it? I've never seen it spelled that way but I'll take your word for it. :)

2005-12-02 [Charybdis]: I've never seen it spelled the other way... I may be wrong, but that's the way I remember it. ^^ // Googled it: got thousands of results for both Quanza holiday and Kwanzaa holiday. Looks like we were both right :)

2005-12-02 [Yuriona]: Well I've changed it to Kwanzaa for now so I guess we'll see if there are any complaints. ;)

2005-12-03 [Moonknight]: lovely photos that came up winners,. I was actually there when [Ocean Soul] took that one ;) hee hee, I like the other two a lot also.[Elmiira] 's looks very fantasy like :)

2005-12-03 [Fizban]: Woah, i am confused, where are the winners of the last contest announced?? I am confused and behind...

2005-12-03 [Jacco]: Main street at the moment :)

2005-12-03 [Fizban]: thank you:)...are the badges being delivered to the correct winners and participants??

2005-12-03 [Yuriona]: No. I figured I'd deliver them to people that didn't enter the contest. *twitches*

2005-12-03 [Fizban]: lols, right, sorry i asked, simply wondering, i didnt think you woudl give them to other people just wondering about there delivery.

2005-12-03 [syagre]: Are the badges delivered by FedEx or something ? I just hope there's no shipping fees

2005-12-03 [Yuriona]: I'm 'delivering' them personally and since there are over 80 entrants, its taking me a little while to complete. :P

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